FwLIB My Library by FAMware (MStore)

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Keep track of books, music albums, movies, games, paintings, and other library items. Enter the item's name or title, library type, year acquired, description, genre or classification, estimated value, status, etc. Once entered you can sort and print your library.



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Get Fw My Library through Microsoft Store

Other FAMware Products in Microsoft Store:   

Fw My Library  - -  Keep track of books, music albums, movies, games, paintings, and other library items.

Fw Nest Egg Calculator  - -  Make a quick forecast of your future accumulated balance.

Fw My People  - -  Keep track of your family, friends, and associates.

Fw Spending Record  - -  Keep track of what you spend, by category, to stay within a budget.

Fw My Life  - -  Organize information about your life. Get your affairs in order.

Fw Bible Stories  - -  Selected stories from the Old and New Testament.