FwNEC My Nest Egg Calculator by FAMware (UWP)

Don't hide it in a sock or under the mattress. Invest it! A Simple Scenario:

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Many people "park" the difference between income and outgo into some form of savings or investment account, watching that balance grow month by month. You can use this program to make a quick forecast of what that future balance will be. Enter monthly income and outgo, rate of return, beginning balance, and months to forecast. Click the Forecast button to see results. You can also make simple changes and instantly see the impact (e.g., What if I take this job? What if I buy this car? What if I lost my job? etc.). Simple but powerful tool.



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More Complex Scenarios:


Investing in the stock market is risky. It is not a very good get-rich-quick scheme for novices. Many have lost huge amounts by gambling with penny stocks thinking possibilities of substantial increases. The secret is to diversify by selecting mutual funds that have a steady and positive long term rate of return. A good example of this is QQQ (search for QQQ on Google). QQQ has had a steadily increasingly positive rate of growth for many years. For example, on the website click the Max button and look at the QQQ trend from 2003 to 2025. Again, this is a diversified investment (multiple stocks not just one). The average rate of return of long-term growth stocks like this one is about 5.65% per year, which we use in our examples. To find investments like this takes time and research. Before you start investing get educated. There are many resources to help you get started. Instead of just watching James Bond gamble, check out your nearest community college. An Economics class is a good starting place. If you take your time and do it right you can . . . .

Become a Millionaire!

My Nest Egg Calculator

To help you increase income and reduce expenditures try some of our other free products. For example, Family Finances Bundle provides many tools to help you balance the budget and determine how much you can invest (park) each month. Click FFB at the top of your screen.
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