FwBDR Birthday Reminders by FAMware (Free)

Product Info Page for FwBDR    To Downloads Page

Handy "days until birthday" list sorted soonest to farthest away. Never forget another birthday. Easy to add a friend or relative. Have all the information you need immediately at your fingertips. Browse data in existing FAMware database (see Bundled products). Track people as "active" and archive when they become "inactive".


Add people one by one to your Birthdays Database using the New button.

Import. If you already have a FAMware database, you can Add multiple people from existing record sets (Address Book, Family Reunion Attendees, Seasons Greeting List, or Named Vectors). This feature is not available unless you are already using one of FAMware's bundled packages.

Move people one at a time from your active database to the archive. Or, using the Bulk Actions window, archive multiple people at the same time.

Delete people one at a time from your archived birthdays database. Or, using the Bulk Actions window, delete multiple people at the same time.

Restore people one at a time from your archived birthdays database to your active database. Or, using the Bulk Actions window, restore multiple people at the same time.

Data Fields for each person: Sort people by: BDR Windows:
Print feature (content based on sort order selected). To Downloads Page

Examples Add / Update:


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